Take some time for yourself before you go

O you who complain of sorrow, pain and despair to you, I dedicate these lines, so listen to me attentively and do not pass my speech in vain, rather there is in it countless benefits, if you truly contemplate it, you will be grateful to your Lord. I am like you and you are like me, it does not matter. The most important thing is that we share the same nature.

Take some time for yourself before you go

The world gives you nothing in it for free. Know that everything you find from the hand of the world, you will return to it before leaving it. Don’t you think about the many who were with you in the same face, but the world took everything from them when they left this life? Or are you immortal in it??

The world gives you nothing in it for free. Know that everything you find from the hand of the world, you will return to it before leaving it. Don’t you think about the many who were with you in the same face, but the world took everything from them when they left this life? Or are you immortal in it??

Isn’t it time for you to return to the straight path? God Almighty said

(Has it not been time for those who have believed that their hearts should become humble at the remembrance of God)

You have made yourself a group of these people

Isn’t it time for you to return to pleasing God and bow down in His obedience and work for your afterlife instead of this world of yours that has lasted as long as the blink of an eye or even closer.

I am talking to you, whether you are male or female, young or old, regardless of your appearance or voice (God Almighty spoke the truth when He said (He created man and perfected his form) What blessing is sweeter than this!! You did not pay God the price of your creation, nor your sustenance, nor your soul, nor His blessing upon you, nor anything that He gave you, and yet He added to you and gave you what He did not give to the rest of His creatures, animals, plants, inanimate objects, and others, which is dignity. (And We have certainly honored the children of Adam)

On the contrary, the world that you love was never free, what it gave you and what it gave you, but the price was cash, such as adornment and buying sins, or corruption of the mind, such as concealing the drinking of alcohol and the like, such as drugs and their types, and engaging in sins, or instinctive, such as changing your better state to the lower, always making yourself in a state that you do not understand, and then following it until you reach a point that I will call (false perfection). From here you see yourself and you neglect your worship and belittle your creation.. That is the loss, God forbid.

Here is a rule Memorize it, adjust it and remember it in all your circumstances

(If we were given something for a price and then its owner took it from us without returning our money, it would be better if we resorted to the One who gives and never gets tired. Indeed, He is the Provider.)

According to the focus, no servant has ever boasted about sin except that he lost and regret was his consequence..
If you want happiness, adhere to obeying your Lord.
If you want peace of mind, hold fast to the Book of your Lord – Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find peace.
If you want success, be honest with your Lord and be sincere to Him in all your deeds.
So from now on, change the course of your life for the better, that is, return, repentant and repentant to the hands of the Generous. Know that this world is short and no matter how long it is, it is fleeting. So it would be better if you worked while they play. ((So hold fast to the firmest handhold, never to be broken.)) And seek, through what Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter. And do not forget your portion of this world.)) And say, “My Lord, forgive and have mercy. You are the best of the merciful.” Therefore, the Almighty said, (Call upon Me, I will respond to you.)
My dear, there is nothing more precious than this clear religion that came with ease and gentleness. Hold on to it and you will be saved from Allah’s punishment, but if you neglect it and turn away from it, then none has destroyed your life, torn your family apart, and narrowed your path except you.
For Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, but He is also the One with severe punishment.
Finally, take from yourself before your soul goes away.. and repeat, for there is no life but the life of the Hereafter.
We ask Allah for guidance and steadfastness for us and you

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